DIY Gifts For Boyfriend

DIY Gifts For Boyfriend : Tile Coasters

DIY Gifts For Boyfriend : Tile Coasters


DIY Tile coasters


While searching on the internet for ideas for DIY gifts, I found this amazing idea, making your own DIY Tile Coasters , which is really cheap and unbelievably easy to make, even if you do not have time, you can make them, it is magic people, magic I'm telling you. Every tile would cost around 13 cents and you will need like 15 minutes for the whole set to be done. Then you can give it to your boyfriend to decorate his office or something. I am not sure, it can be used as a gift, but it is too cool to not to be publish on this site, I am loving the idea, the creativity and foremost the price tag (almost non-existent) and in case it does not work as gift, you can always make use of it (pretty good for fighting by the way, just kidding ).

All you need for this idea is:

  •  sharpies (or porcelain markers, which are a bit expensive)
  • ceramic tiles
  • felt circles

And that is it!!  Awesome , right!! Now back to the topic.  You will draw on the tile whatever you wish and let it bake for 15 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 350. If you have a sealant you can just cover it. Now, add felt to the back and glue and in case you are not good at drawing you can use ink. Print your desired design on a paper, then put it on the tile face down and iron it, but be aware, that the ink will slowly fade it out. If you decide to go the ink way, then try maybe using good ink to make it stick as long as possible and since it is ink we are talking about, maybe you can even print a picture on the tiles or something :D. Check more Tutorials on DIY Gifts For Boyfriend
